Even the most well-intentioned and comprehensive Diversity Equity and Inclusion programs sometimes leave religion out of the conversation. Our western culture teaches us that religion is private and that the politest thing we can do is wish someone a happy holiday and leave them in peace to practice their beliefs.
The reality is that 39% of religious minorities are afraid to speak up at work and our goal of accommodation often isn’t enough to create a culture of inclusion, connection and celebration. So where can organizations start?
For more than 20 years Encounter has been helping people have respectful, insightful conversations about religion. And we can help your workplace do the same.
Learn more about our customizable religious literacy programs:
Religious Holidays Program
Encounter’s Religious Holidays Program uses holidays as a springboard to creating a welcoming workplace by tapping into natural curiosity and relatable topics. Taught from a non-sectarian perspective this program is welcoming for all religious, spiritual and secular identities.

This effective microlearning tool called Learning Snippets, authentic, real-world scenarios which reinforce your training programs and help you and your teams to develop inclusive habits and address cognitive biases from any device, anywhere. There are Snippets available on: Religious Inclusion, Inclusive leadership, Offsetting Racial Bias, Gender Equality and others.
Our events page is updated regularly and includes events which are both private and open to the public. To stay up to date on our programs and events please subscribe to our weekly newsletter.