Innis College Later LIfe Learners - Religion: The Big Questions
Jan 17-March 28, 2025 [Open] We will explore some key questions around religion including its profound affects on human society and in...
Ontario Provincial Police
December 10 [Closed] We will be taking the most senior executives of the Ontario Provincial Police to visit a Hindu temple and a...
Religious Literacy and the Welcoming Workplace
(November 27) - [Closed] - HealthPRO Canada We will explore how religious literacy at work can foster more inclusive environments that...
Policing, Religious Literacy and the Middle East Conflict
[Closed] - Halton Regional Police This training involved two sessions, one on policing and religious literacy generally, and one on the...
Ontario Provincial Police
[Closed] - Ontario Provincial Police Some of the OPP’s most senior leaders spent the day visiting places of worship to learn about these...
Demystifying Judaism & Demystifying Islam
(November 15 & December 13) - [Closed] - Oakville Public Library These are the first two sessions in a 5 part staff training series where...
Visiting Japan and India: Lessons Learned from Two Incredible Places
Brian had the opportunity to travel to East and South Asia. Learn about Shinto, Hinduism, Sikhism, Islam and more. Watch the replay here .
Listen to Brian's interview with CCDI's CEO Anne-Marie Pham
Brian was interviewed by CCDI's CEO Anne-Marie Pham, focusing on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict's impact on Canada and on our...
Listen to Brian's interview on CBC Tapestry with Mary Hynes
For the CBC article click here . To listen to the full episode click here .
The Western Lens
Interfaith Grand River Brian spoke with one of the most active interfaith groups in Canada about how we have been taught to understand...